this is me, my scorpion^^ |
OKay! :)
For all the cheerleaders it's a really hard part.
First of all, if you are not as flexible as you wish, don't worry!
Nobody was born with the same abilities.
Just keep practicing! I know, that every coach and friend tells you this sentence twice a week, even more! But really true... Moreover cheerleaders are famous for their endurance ;)
So let's see my scorpion's
little bio :
When I first started it it was awful! My back was so far from my leg, and my knees were bended, I was like a banana which wants to reach its toes.. Really
really terrible. I'll never show anybody that picture made by my sister.
Then a bad back injury
made me give all the stretching stuff
up. To be honest I was afraid of getting hurt again so that's
why I did not try so long. In this year, in my cheer camp we had an all day stretching practice along with body conditioning. Bahh, hard. We must have done it: splits, needles, scorpion. That was my
deadlock, I didn't care about my back I just felt I
HAVE TO be more flexible, more enthusiastic ,and the most important to overcome my fears.
From July I practice every evening, and I still believe my scorpion is
getting better and better.
And you know, to
infinity and
beyond hahaha :)
Keep practicing and
never give up!
How about your scorpions? :)